Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fight the future

Virtually all sci-fi movies that provide glimpses of our future show us high-reaching cityscapes adorned with massive electronic advertisements. Ironically, the very community producing these overly cyan cinema versions of our future are the very sources of legislative attempts to prevent us from reaching our inevitable urban image.
Here in the recent past, California lawmakers have been grappling with AB109, the bill that would have limited digital sign proliferation throughout California. But they are not alone! As long ago as 2002, Jack "dusty fax machine" Weiss, a LA City Council Member, demanded annual billboard-inspection fees levied against billboard owners. Meanwhile his colleague Cindy "future fighter"Miscikowski attempted to ban all new electronic billboards. Last year Eric Garcetti pushed to get the city to revisit their agreement with Clear Channel that allowed them to supply Los Angeles with future friendly electronic billboards in place of their existing static billboards. Currently the city council is considering limiting these future perfect appliances to specific advertising corridors, which may unfairly provide the future disproportionately to the lucky few in those areas.

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